Antifriction material

The term antifriction material is composed of two Latin words:

                   anti = prevent, against, and
                   frictio = friction

Therefore, a material that has little friction and thus very good sliding properties. These properties include many plastics, e.g. Polyamide or Teflon. However, the sawing process has many other requirements: there are abrasive dust, high pressures, high belt speeds, thermal stress and a wide variety of impurities such as sand and liquids.

The CHACO antifriction material is optimized for all these requirements: it is considerably harder and more resistant than plastic guiding elements, i.e. it wears significantly slower. Thus, the saw guide is maintained over a long time, operation interruptions for guide changes are drastically postponed. The improvement is often several times the original value.

However, unlike metallic or ceramic guiding elements, antifriction material is resilient enough to accommodate variations in saw blade thickness, particularly at the welded joint. Hard guiding elements hit and damage the blade exactly where it is most vulnerable. Band breakage means unplanned machine downtime and costly damage on the machine itself.


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